Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HAPPY 70th DAD!!!

Dad, one of my favorite memories of you is when we ran the Salt Lake 5k together last April. You told me "okay Amber remember to start out slow and conserve your energy for the end of the race so you can sprint to the finish." We were at the starting line the bell rang and you took OFF like a speeding bullet. I had to weave through a bunch of people and run fast to catch up with you. I was like "what happened to what we just talked about?" I laugh every time I think about it!

Another memory of you is when we were at the cabin playing games and we were playing UNO something funny happened but I just remember you giggling, and laughing so hard for like 5 mins straight we all could not stop laughing, because I have never seen you laugh SO hard.

I love you Dad! You have always been such a great provider, example, hard worker and great Dad! Thank you for all the life lessons you have taught me. I hope you have a great birthday!

P.S. I also remember you making us stick our hand down the toilet to un clog a hairspray cap that fell down there, and our arm was small enough. haha

XOXO- Love-Amber

SLC 5k April 09

Thanksgiving 5k 2008

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